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OUT OF THE ASHES wins AACTA Award for Best Cinematography


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OUT OF THE ASHES wins AACTA Award for Best Cinematography



Director of Photography David Parer and Producer Tony Wright are proud of their success at the AACTA Awards Luncheon

January 18, 2012 – December Media’s documentary Out of the Ashes, has won the Best Cinematography (Documentary) Award at the inaugural AACTA Awards in Sydney this Sunday.

Out of the Ashes, directed by Dione Gilmour and produced by Tony Wright, tells in beautiful cinematography, the story of how Nature rose out of the ashes after devasting bush fires tore through Victoria on the 7th of February 2009.

Producer Tony Wright and Director of Photography David Parer received the prestigious award this Sunday at the AACTA Awards Luncheon in Sydney. This year’s AACTA Awards are a continuum of the AFI Awards, which have proudly celebrated Australia’s screen excellence and heritage since 1958.

Footage including David Parer’s interview (commencing at 01:14) captured from the AACTA media room can be seen on the AFI youtube channel.

All winners and nominees are listed on the AACTA homepage.