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One World One Ocean campaign


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One World One Ocean campaign



December Media is proud to support One World One Ocean, an initiative of Greg and Barbara MacGillivray of MacGillivray Freeman Films that aims to inspire people to protect our ocean environment through great storytelling and filmmaking.

MacGillivray Freeman Films has been making documentary IMAX Theatre films for 30 years, including The Living Sea and Dolphins, which were nominated for Academy Awards.


After hearing oceanographer Sylvia Earle warn that humanity only has 10 years to restore the ocean, company president Greg MacGillivray and his wife Barbara created the One World One Ocean Foundation. Through the power of film, television, new media and grassroots education, its mission is to change the way people see and value the ocean, and inspire them to action.

The One World One Ocean website has many ways people can get involved in the campaign, from taking the pledge to eat sustainable seafood to organising a beach or river cleanup. If we all make even just one small change in our daily lives, we can reverse the ocean crisis.

One World One Ocean: Twitter
One World One Ocean: Facebook