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IMMORTAL wins Jackson Hole award


October 13, 2011 – December Media’s documentary Decoding Immortality (also known simply as Immortal), a co-production with Pemberton Films and Smithsonian Networks, has won its category at the prestigious Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival 2011.

The blue-chip science documentary, written and directed by Sonya Pemberton and produced by Tony Wright, came first in the Best Science & Nature Program category (sponsored by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute).

Decoding Immortality shows the astonishing discovery made by a team of scientists led by Australian-born professor Elizabeth Blackburn: the key to unlimited life and the secret of endless youth.

The Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival finalists were selected from over 800 entries from 50 countries by a prestigious jury including Caroline Brett, Natalie Cash, Liesl Clark, David Elisco and Harvey Locke.

Decoding Immortality has already won a string of other awards. It was a finalist in the 2011 Eureka Prize, won a Special Jury Award at the Remi Awards, and won the Best Educational Value and Best Science category at Montana Cine. The documentary has screened at Houston Worldfest, the International Scientific Film Festival in Hungary, and Scinema. It’s also currently shortlisted for the prestigious Grand Prix at the Paris Science Film Festival.

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