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Out of the Ashes


Out of the Ashes is the story of nature’s resilience in the 12 months following the catastrophic bushfires that tore through Victoria, Australia, killing 173 people and destroying more than 2,000 homes. The fires incinerated swathes of prime forest and its wildlife. But fires are a natural process and these mountain forests need fire to regenerate. Even in the face of overwhelming devastation, plants and animals have an uncanny knack of bouncing back, and the environment has an extraordinary capacity for healing.

Out of the Ashes examines the drought leading up to the fires, the ensuing fires and the ecological recovery over the next 12 months through the first hand experiences of people who were involved. Scientists, rangers, animal care workers and people who escaped the fires describe their experiences.

Written and directed by Dione Gilmour. Produced by Tony Wright.